Thursday, February 18, 2010

I saw Mommy at the 4-way stop . . .

This week has been one of those weeks that I have been needing and wanting to see my Mom. Bad! I need her wisdom and advice, I want her to tell me everything will be OK and it will all work out great. My Mom always had the ability to cheer everyone she knew up and make you feel as if nothing bad could ever overcome the good in this world. She woke up smiling and went to bed smiling. Always positive. Always upbeat and happy. She lived life to the fullest everyday. I need her today just as I did when I was a little girl.

Unfortunately I have to have her in memory only . . . but do I?

As the anniversary (March 27, 1993) of my Mother's death approaches, it amazes me that 17 years later I need and miss her as much now more than I ever could when I had her here to comfort me. It was on this day in 1993 that I last saw my Mom alive. We had an amazing day in Pensacola, FL walking on the beach. My son was only 3 years old and he was in awe as we gathered "starfish families" that were washed up on the seashore. Never in my life had I seen a live starfish but as we walked along the cold Gulf shore, my Mom runs and started grabbing them to throw them back in the ocean so that they would survive. "Help me" she screams, we have to save them! We obliged and began grabbing as many as we could. Big one's - called the Daddy, medium one's called Mommy and the smaller one's of course were the children. After much thought we decided to keep a few to save for the memory of this day. A Daddy, Mommy, Brother and Sister. That is all we kept. We prayed for them and that God would forgive us for keeping these four for our keepsake box. *Many years later I released the skeletons of these starfish back into the ocean on the same beach - in the same spot to relive this amazing moment in time.

As I headed home tonight from a crazy days work, I was wishing and wanting and praying to see my Mother. It was such a wanting and need that I felt overwhelmed through my tears. Then to my amazement when I got to the 4-way stop in Marion . . . I know it sounds crazy but a car that looked like my Mom's old red Ford Escort with a smiling and beautiful woman that looked just like her - was waving and smiling at me! Yes, she looked just like my Mom, were my eyes playing tricks on me? As I turned right and she turned left, I quickly turned around at the gas station and headed her direction fast to catch her. It was as if she had vanished. She was no where to be seen. Did this woman really exist? Who was she? Was I dreaming?

Life is something that I sometimes take for granted as I head out each day to do all the things I have to do. Sad to think that it takes the loss of someone you love so much to make you realize how important life is - how important living is - how important making each day be of value because you never know when your last day is. So let me say right now that I love you, love my family, love my friends and I love life. As hard as it is, Mom taught me that we are only here for a little while and we have to be grateful for each day. Just like the starfish being washed on the shore - if we all work together we can make a difference in someone's life. So, if you can, go hug your Mom and thank her for your life, and if you can't I pray she shows up to visit, just like mine did today at the 4-way stop. Thank you Mommy - I needed you and you were there.

Go make a happy memory - you'll be glad you did.

Happy Living, Loving and Laughing,
Angie Lu


  1. Thanks Angie for helping me remember to be grateful that I do have my mom here to talk to, visit with and hug. Love you!! Will be thinking about you.

  2. great post. gave me chill bumps! And, made me tear up. You are so sweet and special, Angie! I know that the strong Christian woman you are will get you through whatever it is you're faced up against. It's a tough world, isn't it? I'm learning this first hand right now. But, I try to remember that we are only IN this world, not of it. :) I'm sure your mom would have told you the same thing...had you caught up to her.
