Thursday, April 15, 2010

Breastfeeding etiquette - Air Force 1?

I dedicate this blog to all you beautiful and amazing mother's out there who are breastfeeding your little miracles and commend you for being such wonderful women!

Last Sunday night as we boarded the Southwest flight from Houston, TX to Jackson, MS, I noticed a mother who I had seen in the airport with a her young child sitting in the second row in the first seat with no one sitting next to her. I also realized that no one was there (so I thought) because she had an infant was why no one had sat next to her, so being the mother that I am, I sat next to her at the window seat. Both of my children headed on to the back to sit where ever they could find but my hubby decided to sit in the middle sitting between us.

As we ooohed and coohed at this uniquely cute child that looked remarkably like Opie from the Andy Griffith show, we made idle conversation to pass the time and try to keep him happy before take off. The baby was teething and as soon as we began taxiing down the runway he became fussy. Mark and I tried to console him to no avail and I said "he is so cute, how old is he" and she said "one year" and that they were flying for the first time for him to meet his grandparents in Jackson. I quickly responded, "what is his name?" and she said "Obama".

This is the first baby I have met with our current President's name, so I was not sure how to respond but it was evident that she was very proud of them being from Sebastapool, CA. Yes, not Sebastapool, MS but there is a Sebastapool in the state of California even though she is from Jackson and married a man from California.

While we were a little shocked, we proceeded to make "Obama" happy but to no avail. (I worn you men out there that what happened next was uncomfortable.) Obama's Momma lifted up her shirt and whipped out her left breast to feed him. Not discretely but she literally lifted her shirt and pulled up her bra to expose herself for all the plane to see.

She did not warn us or ask us to please excuse her but she lifted up her top and pushed up her bra to pull out her boob and begin to feed her baby. Words can not begin to express the unprepared reaction by my husband seated in clear view of her exposure or myself. We were not prepared for this moment of what I consider a natural private moment with a mother and child. Even the people sitting on the row next or in front of her were shocked at her boldness and her lack of preparing us for this bold moment between mother and child. Needless to say myself and my hubby reacted with shock and embarrassment but Obama's Momma just did what she felt she had to do at no regard to the other's on the plane around her.


I think that breast feeding your child is an amazing and intimate moment between a mother and her child, but I immediately felt that she was rude to not warn or prepare us for such a show of intimacy. Breastfeeding is a beautiful and precious thing for both, yet myself and hubby were shocked to say the least that she just "whipped it out" without and forwarning or a second thought for the people around her.

Moral to this blog is: No matter what you name your child and if you breastfeed your child that does not give you the right to blatantly in public, pop out your breast and feed "Obama", unless you are flying privately on Air Force 1.

Just sayin'!

Thanks for the fabulous laugh because my hubby's reaction was priceless but from now on could you just please let your flying neighbors have a friendly warning of what you are about to do or at least put a blanket or something to hide your milk filled breast feeding your baby so that it doesn't offend others trying to fly home.

That is why I love to travel because you expose yourself "literally" to new and unexpected things! Who would have ever thought that I would meet baby Obama and his Momma on a plane! Hilarious!

What do you think?

Happy Living, Loving and Laughing!
Angie Lu


  1. I'm still laughing about this. Of course, I'm still not sure why she is still breast feeding if the kid is already a year old and teething??? OUCH!!!

  2. yeah he had 4 teeth, two top and two bottom = different cultures in this world! so great!

  3. Oh, my goodness!! I have 5 kids and have breastfed all of them till around their 1st birthday (some a little more, some a little less). The only one I ever had to nurse on a plane was my first and, of course, I had the only male flight attendant I had ever seen assigned to where we were sitting! It freaked me out cause I wasn't used to nursing in public. But I covered with a blanket and did what I had to do (my baby was only 6 weeks at the time).

    Now... if I have a circumstance like that where I need to nurse with people around I use my "hooter hider". I didn't know these existed till my 5th child, but I LOVE mine!!! It provides complete coverage but I can still look down and see for latch on. Love, love, love it!!

    Oh, and I do let people know what I'm about to do when I am about to nurse. I really rarely need to nurse in public, though. But if it had been me on the plane, I would have let y'all know what I was about to do and put on my hooter hider :-)

    You were sweet to sit by her and try to help! :)

  4. We all need a Hootie Hider for our purse - just in case!

  5. OMGOODNESS....I'm all for breastfeeding and woman's lib,but at least a cover up blankie please! LOL ;)

  6. Loved your Blog and would have enjoyed seeing your face when all of this took place---You are "right on."
